Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Are Men Stupid!?

From Slate:
A remarkable new product is on its way that may make it possible to shift the burden of reproductive responsibility—gasp!—to men. Earlier this year, Dutch pharmaceutical giant Organon, along with Germany's Schering, announced that they expect their hormone-based contraceptive for men to hit the European market in as few as five years.
Man, I am all over this! I'd be the first in line. How could it have taken so long for this? Why are men even hesitating? Are men stupid?!

Big Brother Update #2

From Wired News:
As the full Senate and House prepare to vote on competing versions of the 9/11 Commission recommendations this week, most eyes are on how the government's intelligence services will be revamped. But civil liberties advocates, immigration groups and some 9/11 Commission members are criticizing provisions in the House bill that they say go far beyond the commission's recommendations.
This country is changing, and not in a good way. Fear is overtaking freedom.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Big Brother Update #1

From Wired News:
Government lawyers defending the identification requirement at the nation's airports from a lawsuit by privacy activist John Gilmore admitted in a new filing Wednesday that the requirement exists, but argued it cannot be challenged or seen in full because it is a law enforcement technique, not a law.
Absolutely freaking amazing. You couldn't make this stuff up. Oh, wait. that's right: George Orwell did. Or was he just seeing into the future and missed the date by, oh, about 20 years....?

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